Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our Challenges

Hi everyone!  As most of you may already know we have weekly challenges each attracting it's own small prize of a $5.00 gift certificate, with the sketch challenge at the end of the month having a $15.00 gift certificate.  I'd love to know what you think about this and if you'd like to see any changes :)
We could do two things :
Continue to have weekly challenges with favourites chosen and announced each week.  All entries from each month would then go in a random draw for a $30.00 gift voucher, so the more you play the more chance of winning!
Continue to have weekly challenges with favourites chosen and announced each week.  Have weekly prizes as we are doing now!
Which idea do you like?  What would you like to see here?  Do you have another idea?  Leave us a comment with your ideas, we'd love to hear from you!!
Take this very short survey (there's only the one question lol!) by following the link :
Thanks for your time today!!

1 comment:

  1. Guess I am the first!!! I like the way that challenges are done now with the weekly prizes. I prefer that there are more winners than only one person winning one monthly prize. I personally lose interest and avoid playing in challenges that have only one winner a month. There is more fun each and every week when you look forward to seeing a winner. And more players can benefit from winning and sharing in a prize from Annabelle's. Note: This is written by the winner of your Birthday Grand that ironic or what? I was very happy to win all that loot, but still like the weekly prizes as is. I know of one challenge that went from weekly to one monthly giveaway and their number of participants dropped and they are now back to weekly prizes.


We love having you visit, and we love reading your comments :) Thank you for taking the time!


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